Wednesday, 17 March 2010

Push for a Golden Age

Usually "pushing" means selfishly advancing one's own career. But here we have a different kind of pushing. Pushing for a golden age means lifting the world up FOR ALL PEOPLE. This means that we can make a tremendous effort without any little corner of ourselves feeling that we shouldn't really be doing it: we can push WITH A TOTALLY CLEAR CONSCIENCE.

Billions of Christians have been dutifully praying the 'Lord's Prayer' secretly believing that it represents no more than an impossible request which God could not conceivably fulfil. 'Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.' How could God possibly make THAT come true? But perhaps they should humour God and Jesus by kneeling and mumbling the words in a very serious holy voice (better in Latin) while secretly thinking how ridiculous these words are.

Now I believe that the world is in a very bad state. But I also believe that it can be transformed. I believe in steady, long-term, improvement, but I also believe in the occasional dramatic turn for the better which can be brought about by KNOWING the right screw to adjust by exactly the right amount - the neat tweak that makes all the good work of the past suddenly come to fruition.

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